Depression is... spending your whole life thinking about the most painless way to die...
Depression is... wishing your misery will end as soon as possible...
Depression is... pretending to be happy in front of everybody and start crying when alone...
...Depression is... keeping yourself alive because someone is still happy that you exist... Because you still know how to love... Even if you wanted to die already... navy blue items of the formal occasions to wear
Depression is... PAIN and only pain can relieve pain...
Depression is... when you really want to do something but you'd rather spend sulking in the corner...
Depression is... opening up to people yet nobody understands... So you keep it to yourself instead...
Depression is ALL OF THE ABOVE I mentioned... And there are more of those explanations... Those are just a few I've learned from someone...
Depression is quite complicated...
But it's real... It's just too hard for normal minds to understand...
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