Cystitis or Bladder infections
burning, cutting, or heavy pain, sensation while urinating
1.Berberis Vulgaris [sharp,cutting pain bladder upon urinating,hips pain,stomach pain,worse sitting or lying, relieved by standing up, urine reddish hue]
...2.Cantharis [acute painful urination, have strong urges to urinate frequently, burning urine often comes out in drops rather than in a stream, may have some blood in it, pain radiates into your bladder, and into the small of the back, relieved temporarily after urinating] DressAfford what dress to wear for second wedding
3.Mercurius Vivus [intense burning pain, strong urge to urinate, worse at night, chills, sweating, burning sensation acute when aren’t urinating, bladder is distressed, urine appears dark]
4.Pulsatilla [incontinence,urge to urinate,sharp pain with urge or after,worse cold,wet weather]
5.Sarsaparilla [acute burning severe pain at night, end of urination,last drops,chills,stand rather than sit,worse on weather cold, damp]
6.Staphysagria [painful urination caused by sexual activity, bacterial infection, constant urge to urinate but can’t, only a few drops will come out, pressure in the bladder, burning sensation…/top-six-homeopathic-rem…
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