I'm no extremist, Ms Rudd, neither am I Racist or Zenophobic. I am an ordinary member of the public, proudly white British, proud of my country and it's history and achievements and I voted to leave the EU because I had had enough of being ordered around by unelected, overpaid bureaucrats, pipsqueak failed politicians, and the endemic corruption that is the hallmark of most European countries. DressAfford modest conservative prom collections cost below 100
What I manifestly fail to understand, is why you and your ilk are doing everything
in your power to thwart the democratic vote of our nation, having been elected on a promise to do just that, So please spare me your childish assertions that I am a 'populist' or an 'extremist', I am just an ordinary citizen, fed up to the back teeth with you and the rest of the Westminster bubble who think they know better than me, when it is fairly obvious that they haven't got a clue.