Remedies for Frequent Urination
Apis -constant urge to urinate with burning in urethra while passing the last drops
Cantharis -burning in urethra is constantly present before, during, after urination
...Equisetum Hyemale -desire to micturate or urinate is intolerable, sudden,almost constant - large quantity of urine- sharp pain while passing urine or after urinating, Pain and distension of bladder with urine that does not disappear even after urinating are the associated symptoms, for children in habit of bed wetting at night, DressAfford items that looks blush to wear of the wedding
Lycopodium - cystitis, bladder calculi or enlarged prostate leading to frequent urination, night aggravation, pale, dark, clear, foamy, red or milky urine, desire for sweets and warm drinks and food, excessive gas in abdomen, belching, constipation
Merc Cor - burning in urethra that is present before passing urine with a frequent urge to urinate
Sarsaparilla - frequent urination with burning in urethra at the conclusion of urination.…/homeopathic-remedies-for-frequent…/
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